Mel offers a limited number of small group series through the year. Once you’ve done a private session you are welcome to join a group (make-up sessions can be accommodated on Zoom)
*Class descriptions below.

March/April 2025:

Tuesday classes (3 weeks from 18 March)

  • Tuesday 8.00am (*Stronger)

Thursday classes (3 weeks from 20 March)

  • Thursday 8.00am (*Stronger)

Friday classes (3 weeks from 21 March)

  • Friday 8.00am (*General)

  • Friday 9.30am (*General)

    The April/May 3 week series commences on Tuesday 29 April


For your 3 Weeks of Classes the cost is:

  • $135

  • $50 for individual in person sessions when space is available

You can pay via Paypal, Cash or Direct Deposit.

Zoom sessions are $20 each or $50 for all 3.

direct deposit

National Australia Bank
Account - Melissa and Ian Parks
BSB: 083-088 A/C: 458112442 (please email Mel when you’ve made a deposit:


$135 (3 sessions)

$50 (Individual Group Session)

$50 (3 Zoom Sessions)

$20 (1 Zoom Session)


*Movewell General
We apply corrective exercise to optimise functional movement for the whole body. This takes a willingness to look in the mirror and assess how you are moving now and the patience to open up the pathways towards change. We work on strength, balance, mobility and shine a light on why we’ve had patterns of aches and pains and injury. This is the best program for many people, especially when new to Movewell. 

*Movewell Stronger
Thinking about our stronger classes? Here are some things to consider:
* Would you enjoy a faster moving session with some more challenging options?
* Are you ready to apply excellent self-care?
* Can you readily apply our alignment keys?

It’s not about being perfect but it’s about knowing not to push yourself too hard. When in doubt just ask Mel.